Composite Solutions


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Published since 2007 as Composite Solutions, this magazine is the first bilingual English/Italian magazine dedicated to the composite materials industry. In 2018 the magazine expanded its contents also including the technopolymers industry for the further productionof structural parts, embracing the entire industry; for this reason the new name of the magazine has been changed to: Composite Solutions & Technopolymers.

The mission: of the magazine is: to provide information on the use of various raw materials and chemical products, fibers and anything else needed for the production of structural parts, R&D, laboratory tests, production processes, molds and design technologies.

The readers of the magazine are: Designers and consultants, manufacturers of composite structural components for different uses, customers, suppliers of raw materials and chemical products.
Reference Markets:
– Chemical products
– Automotive
– Marine and Naval
– Aerospace
– Tyre and railway transportation
– Offshore
– Sport and leasure
– Wind energy and pfotocoltaics
– Packaging
– Automation
– Building and construction industry, public works
– Components for the industry
– Tubes, pipes and tanks
– Mechanics
– Pumps and fluids management
– Components for work vehicles
– Components for goods moving vehicles
– Components for industrial machines
– Technical components
– Defence and dual use
– Other industries

As a result, the circulation was consolidated by printing 5,500 copies distributed to the technicians of the industry. In addition, the digital version is sent to around worldwide 48,000 industry professionals.

Il nostro staff

Direttore responsabile
Gian Battista Pècere

Segretaria di Redazione

Emanuela Rozzoni


Redazione e pubblicità Italia ed estero

Tina Matera

Redazione e pubblicità Italia

Mara Frigerio

Redazione e pubblicità estero

Antonio Grillo

Impaginazione e Grafica

Cesar Bohorquez